Design Your Site Using WordPress With These Website Design Tips

The platform that I use and recommend you use for your website is WordPress.

WordPress is the system/platform that you build your website on. WordPress lets you easily build a professional-looking website/blog without any technical know-how.

2 Reasons I ONLY use WordPress on all my websites:  1- Easy to use and maintain.   2- It is COMPLETELY Free.

WordPress operates from the internet, you can access it through any browser. Because of this, it works on any device that has internet access.using wordpress

Everything you need to do in WordPress is located on the left side and labeled for easy understanding.

Below are 3 screen shots of the most important things you will do inside WordPress.

Peek Inside WordPress:

this is where you manage everything you need to do on your website.


This is how you add a new page on your website.

website design tips
This is how you add a new post on your website.

use wordpress

Next step: Building Your Website

Now that you know what a WordPress is and how to use it, the next step is to put it all together and build your website.

Click Here to Go To Step 3 – Building Your Website

